Season 1 Introduction
Hello and welcome, everybody.
This is the Smarter Job Hunting
Job cast for short.
The show where job seekers and
corporate leaders find
each other and join together
as winning teams.
In the weeks to come, we'll be
exploring what kind of job
you really want and need,
how you can find it quickly,
how to prepare for your interview
and how to pitch yourself.
How to make a great impression, ways
to negotiate your salary and
benefits and how
to become a star.
Once you get the job.
Will interview guests, including
hiring experts, job
seekers and companies
looking for workers.
We'll also briefly review research
in the field and important
news articles.
Who's this for?
This is for you, if
you're someone hunting for a new
job, especially a well-paying
job in a time
of many strikes and layoffs.
If you're a job now
but are considering a career move
in a new direction.
If you're in a job but are
unhappy or stressed
or underpaid and want something
better, or
if you want to get in the business
of job placement as a career
counselor, our someone starting
a new company who might need
insights in how to hire
and keep people.
You'll gather insights into the many
myths out there
about how astonishingly
low the unemployment rate is
and how jobs are just waiting for
you to walk through the door.
Those will have you sending hundreds
of resumes to open
job postings.
On average get less
than 1% response.
We'll also cover some brain tricks
from neuroscience, both
to keep you motivated, and
to elevate your status
with your interviewer or
new boss.
Who am I?
My name is Dr. Christopher
My teams and I have used next
gen educational
technology to train thousands
of students worldwide
with psychological motivation,
chunked or short segment learning,
game based learning and
other uses of technology
and experience to learn
and influence others.
I have advanced degrees in applied
science, psychology
and International business
management and
a doctorate in educational
tech and neuroscience.
I've worked on hiring many
technology teams from military
and civilian contractors.
I've also worked on DECOPS,
deception operations and PSYOPS
psychological operations
for the U.S. military and
intelligence services
and I'll reveals some of those
secrets and the coming weeks.
Creators and Guests